Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kid-tionary #1

The Boy is 2 in every possible way you can be 2. This age is really an amazing combination of terrible and terrific - which the Boy really embodies with his current "sweet and sour" personality. By that I mean, there are moments when he just makes my heart stop with some beautiful gesture or statement - particularly an "I love you Daddy" or a "Hi Daddy!" coupled with a hug. In that moment, I can't imagine that there is a sweeter child in the entire universe. It melts me. And then, just when you think you've got him figured out, he flips a switch and turns into 2-year old Hellboy. Screaming, flailing, steaming mad, pushing, stomping. It's a stunning transformation, really.

Lately I've been amused at how many different ways he has to say "no." I mean we all know 2-year olds say "no" a lot, right. But he's become really creative about it lately. We get "No, it's not" and "That's not right" and "I don't like it" and "I don't want to" and "Stop it". I've actually been impressed with the diversity. My favorite thing, right now, falls on the sweet side though.

He is a devoted follower of Diego - probably watches an episode at least every other day. Before you impugn my parenting skills, btw, please note that his Spanish teacher told me the other day that she's had to expand the vocabulary she teaches the class because the Boy brings in so many new words from Diego (but I digress). One of Diego's favorite elecutions is to say "(Blank) is a great (Blank)" such as "Jaguar's are great climbers." He has adopted this construction in many of the ways he describes the world around him. Momma is a great finder. Sissy is a great swimmer. Daddy is a great cooker. All very cute - all very sweet. My favorite one, though, occurred the other day when we were talking about how he could run faster in his tennis shoes then his sandals and he popped out with:

"My tennis shoes are great fasters."

This is my new favorite phrase. Sounds weird, but if you think about it from a 2-year olds perspective - there's some logic there. Anyway, the reason a called this entry "Kid-tionary" is that this is the first in a series of the best words and phrases offered up by the Boy and the Girl, posted here for the enjoyment of all.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

I love this post! Better late than never. Kids are great.